Only you can facilitate change, but I can help you.

Change is not easy.  If it were we’d all be a perfect weight, eat healthy foods, and exercise regularly.  The trick is figuring out why you want to change in addition to what you want to change. 

Knowing why you want something is crucial.  The benefit the change brings must outweigh your perceived cost or you’ll never get there.  Are you really ready to go there?  If so I can help, let’s get started! 


What do you want?

· Weight loss

· Improved energy

· Better health

· Increased strength

· Improved sports performance

· To walk or run a 5K

· 10K?  Half-marathon?  Marathon

· Or maybe it’s a walk around the block

I can help!

Don’t compare yourself to others.  You need to do what takes you a step in the right direction!  I won’t promise any miracles but I promise to help you reach your personal best.  I’m not going to tell you it will be easy.  It won’t.  The best things in life require dedication and commitment.  I’m ready if you are!


Get started today to reap the rewards of:

· Appropriate, safe, effective workouts

· Assisted, realistic short and long term goals

· Encouragement and understanding

· Hard work

· Reaching your potential